At Black Hills Orthopedic & Spine Center, we use a 64-Slice CT scanner to obtain high-resolution images to help our doctors diagnose and analyze orthopedic injuries and conditions.

The scanner obtains images as thin as a credit card, which are then used to create a 3-D view of your anatomy. The benefits of this CT scanner include:

  • Taller patients do not have to be repositioned.
  • Greater vessel visualization and shorter breath holds for sick or elderly patients.
  • Faster patient exams and less stress.
  • Breathing lights help coach patients - making it an easier exam.
  • Automated dose reduction features.
  • Lower table height allows easier access/wheelchair access to table.

To schedule a CT scan at Black Hills Orthopedic & Spine Center or if you have any questions, please call (605) 341-1414.